Get a small glass bottle (10ml)with screw on cap, get 10 of them for around 6 quid on amazon.
Pop the concentrate in the bottle and put lid on.
heat up a pot of shallow water and put bottle in it about halfways is fine, won't take long until it liquifies.
Mix the mixture by holding top of bottle and spinning it round in circles like you would a sparkler firework until it looks uniform and the liquid has thinned out.
Then get a syringe with blunt needles, 5 quid for all this of amazon.
I've also done this with some premium ice water hash and it was excellent.
The vape vendors selling 100% resin vapes, they have a secret and i've not discovered it yet, i dunno how they can mix it so thin and so uniform.
Not bothered asking them as it's just a hobby for me, all i really care about is my dmt vapes, which no-one can make better than me. :P
My current vape will wreck you with just a single puff, a breakthrough with a single blinker.
I've been thinking about this recently, folks spending hundreds for a couple grams of fancy hash.
If these same folks would get to know dmt they would understand how weak hash and canna really is, don't get me wrong i love it of course but it ain't worth half what some are asking for it.
Canna gets you stoned, but getting 'high', real high, that high you don't want others to see you in this state kinda high canna just can't do.
The ultimate high imo, is mixing them both, but with utter confidence, knowing none of them can kill, at worse knock you out.
I started with my dmt vapes 50 /50
half dmt half PG, nowadays i put enough dmt in the glass bottle for a vape mixed with just a few drops of PG and that's it.
Sorry for the rant but what i'm trying to say is you folks arew spending a pretty penny on an experience with a very low glass ceiling, dmt will take you through the ceiling.
Again sorry Masher for the rant, also the secret to creating pro 100% resin vapes is no doubt on youtube, but it's just something i mess around with right now.
Take care. : )