Hello. May I ask, why is it you feel you need your smoke to be indica? Is there a certain effect you are looking for from an indica strain? Just curious. Most (near all) cannabis is some kind of hybrid these days. A balance of sativa/Indica. The percentage will tell you the sway of the strain. Indica Dominant strains are heavier hitting and relaxing. Body stoned. Whereas a Sativa will provide a headier, buzzy high! The more a percentage leans towards one, the more of those effects you will feel. Try not to confuse the sativa/indica % with the strength % (usually between 15-30%) as that has a whole other meaning. Essentially, how strong the plant is, as a whole. If you need any help, My inbox is open :) Good Luck, New Bigga! :)
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joined aug 2020
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Very new to this....Indica
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