Oh yes, that hits the spot. I love a sativa leaning hash. This is a fantastic example, of taking a topshelf strain, and making a quality hash from it.
The hash it's self is pretty sexy. Dark brown, and super smooth with very little grain. Soft enough to roll and a little sticky. Strong smell for a hash, like an earthy bud. Taste earthy and sweet.
Now the important bit. The buzz. Bit of a creeper, with the classic warm ears thing. Starts to build into something a bit more intense and a touch trippy. Now here is where most sativa hash start to level out. Not Bruce. Bruce is a bully, with a bit weight behind him. Kept building for a bit. Think it's worth treading carefully on your first day out with Bruce. Could get messy. When it does level off , becomes a nice light body buzz, with a bit of fuzz round the edges. Really high quality product worth a place in anyone's stash.
Now normally I don't say much about vendor in review, but I just wanted to shout out JJ and the good doctor. Dispute me completely ignoring the interactive menu and just ordering. Even though it's clearly sign posted (Sorry doctor, I'll do better next time) They were fantastic. NDD that landed 28 hours from ordering, and excellent coms. They checked in every step of the way to check all was good. Every vendor I've delt with on lb have be good. Dr Green thumbs is excellent.