I've had so many occasions where I've read a listing that promises outlandish terp profiles, and rainbow-hued buds literally dripping with diamonte-trichones. And when the bag arrives it's grey and lifeless. But we never complain because, well, it's weed, and maybe they all just fell off in the post.
But this morning I had a different experience.
When the postie arrived with my first Pistach package: A cheeky bit of Mimosa. I'd heard good things, so I couldn't wait to rip it open. The stealth was good so it took a couple of moments.
And when I did. Praise be. The buds were literally sparkling. They looked so beautiful. Very tight, I had a moment of worrying that they'd been compressed. But no, as soon as I had a chance to grind a couple they fluffed up beautifully, just like the Mighty would have wanted.
A few big hits later and we have a first-class lift off. In fact the whole little ride was pretty plush. A nice period of fizzy brain. Lots of enjoyable nonsense and potential for creative giggles, and after a bit reached a nice warm stoney-cruising-altitude, before a gentle touch down.
Absolutely superb. Thanks P. I'll be back.
(Sorry I couldn't catch the sparkles on the phone camera. Must try harder...)