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52 topics on {Economics}
What is post-scarcity?
The only natural law of economics is cronyism
by  yagz
AI So What. There will always be work.
Best Example of Communism?
generation last
Capitalism: what alternatives haven't we tried?
So many failed communist and socialist experiments in the last century and the greatest success of this century is freer markets in China.

Late stage capitalism sucks but what else is there and please don't ask me to trust late stage governments.
Total abundance from our machine producers.
buddy holy
if you take the perspective of the past haven't we already achieved this?
Why does it always have to fall under some strict labels that are always massive trigger words for certain people

can we just not label it anything and just fucking make logical decisions that are in the best interest of everyone instead of a few, fuck the strict criteria and labels

Carl saying "I don't know what a socialist is" at the start of the video is every conversation i've had about this with friends or other people, always try to immediately label me something and condense my views into a single word that they can then label me with
Feudalism is many times older than capitalism, and ordained by God. Still fell like a sack of shit.

It'll have a different name and iconography but communism still the only alternative. Just no leaders, no parties, no states, max automation.
Communism fails by the idea of implementation of communism - Don't you think that someone still needs to make sure that its enforced ... Thereby creating back parties, leaders, States and Hierarchies of governing ..... I am not sure but its just a thought.

Sorry did not mean to intervene.
generation last
i think this is the potential of decentralisation. it's not perfect but bitcoin has no enforcer but code.
The soviet in the tongue in cheek Soviet Union, means workers' councils. One person, one vote, with an elected delegate representing that be recalled anytime. One council for each workplace, and so on, all the way up. By function, it'd preclude states, parties or leaders.
We need to try to start standing up for what is right and see through what the political elites are implementing all over Europe.

Between the Bilderberg group and the likes of George Soros who funds all the chaos and gets very rich from the volatility that is creates in the markets.

Every time there is a major problem all the government does is rush in new laws to clamp us down even more, they are not interested in harmony it does not fit there narrative they like to divide and conquer and keep us in small groups as we are easier to control.

The Catholic church is taking it up the Gary glitter also along with the Church of England who are just as bad all whilst the UN seems to be building an army in Europe.

This is a by proxy war we are in and it is only going to get worse from here the only way we can stop this is by all standing together as humans and taking on this tyranny.

There are people being found frozen to death in cars in the UK at the moment , big groups of people living in tents in the woods right now ffs!!.

There is an evil agenda at play that these sick inbreed elites are trying to hide from us all and unless we all stand together we are all going to get screwed even more.

We would rather watch sky sports and fuck about on FB and Insta than get off out backsides and do what is right.

The whole thing stinks and needs to be called out and stop calling people racist for pointing out the truth.
Start building guillotine napping stations for all billionaires to have a nice lil lay down, acquire and distribute the hoarded resources. Job done. EDIT: to highlight i am being deliberately OTT btw n not literally advocating mass execution. but it does feel like this whole system needs an overhaul, crazy how much the top 1% has hoarded compared to the rest of the world 🤷‍♂️ how is that just?
"distribute the hoarded resources" exactly, it really is wealth hoarding. Just make wealth cap, a big one $300M... How many fucking yachts do you need, how many houses...etc. Once your wonderful business acumen took you to cap level you get a medal, respect and you go onto super wall of best humans ie elite celebrities and your additional profits get distributed to less fortunate who we're not lucky to be born smart or healthy or rich or whatever.. It's just life lottery most the time nothing to do with your efforts.. Your success can not be justified.. You don't choose your genes... Is there really good argument against wealth cap?
capitalism is an economic system, and an excellent one at that. it is not, however, a political, philosophical or ethical system. adam smith himself pointed out that without temper from (for him, christian) ethics it would become monstrous. obviously, nobody believes any of that hypocritical, puerile (christian) shite anymore, but that is what needs replacing - the moral component. hard right ideologues that think the market knows best, and that money is some sort of god to be worshipped are stupid shits, and have been shown to be. they have fucked up everything they have touched and only crazy frightened old people don't see that. do not forget, though that socialists have not just fucked up everything they have touched, they have murdered, oppressed and starved people in ways that ghengis khan would have been ashamed of. capitalism will work fine once we all realise that being richer than everyone else is a mug's game and does not make you happy. we all just need to get by and look after each other, and i think we'll find that if that's what we want to use it for, capitalism's actually pretty good for purpose. this is all happening anyway, you don't need to do anything. how much shit gets fucked up in the meantime by greedy stupid dickheads who think enumerated economic success is any measure of anything other than what a selfish worthless shit you're prepared to be, or that it will ever make anyone actually happy, well, we'll see. in the meantime, live your life and stop trying to find something easy to blame for what's wrong with it. politicians will not save us, maybe if we stop asking them to they'll go back to doing their actual jobs (running the civil service, justice system and defence) and stop fucking everything up instead. maybe if we all stop glorifying the wealthy and powerful, they'll stop even being arsed to be wealthy and powerful (i mean, it looks like a fucking nightmare to me - why the fuck would you bother if you weren't being egged on the whole time and told that it's the only way anyone matters) and we can all just get on with looking out for each other and fostering the sorts of communities that actually do make people happy. it won't happen overnight, and it won't fix everything, but it won't happen at all if we keep expecting miracles and keep trying to tear down everything that lets us live better than people ever have. capitalism does not suck, it where all of our prosperity and freedom comes from, it is why we are not living in the squalor, violence and oppression of the middle ages any more - stop trying to tear it down, just live better, take moral responsibilty for your own life and we will all have the moral high ground to shame people who accumulate wealth and power beyond what is healthy. eventually. in about 4026. if we do not all burn or starve first. there isn't really an alternative, though... and, i mean you can order weed on the fucking internet these days!!! whaddya want out of life???
"and, i mean you can order weed on the fucking internet these days!!! whaddya want out of life??" yeah exactly wtf is wrong with people lol
by  wells
AI = Hyper Capitalism
what's left libertarianism?
How do banks "create" money?
by  coldspurs
Anis Varoufakis: We are living in a post-capitalist dystopia
by  dreday
Is There Any Alternative To Universal Basic Income?
tyler cowen's greatest economists - an ai hosted book
What is Neo Feudalism?
how hard is it to get skills anymore?
Bitcoin surging
by  1212
The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment
by  coldspurs
Capitalism is unfolding exactly as Karl Marx predicted
a history of mercantalism
phds mvp
by  phds mvp
Companies Die Like People, Cities Live Like Universes
by  zeppomarx
what will happen to cities?
by  spiceX1
Frédéric Bastiat
unions are our only defense against a.i.
by  zeppomarx
does a.i. enable communism?
at tes
by  at tes
How can people deal with natural monopolies?
by  Bennybe1
are services like chatgpt going to change the world?
by  coldspurs
The 50-Euro Lawsuit Threatening OPEC
the same old revolution is still avoidable
by  jksez
What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
The Industrial Era Ended, and So Will the Digital Era
by  24601
What is Surveillance Capitalism?
by  gs
In the 1970s Irish Banks went on strike. Pubs replaced them easily.
by  refUGh
all the world's gold visualised
by  Camber
We’re broke
Amazon buying the island of Cyprus
by  ike
Assurance Contracts
why is empty housing a popular investment?
what is the cantillion effect?
by  Tenpester
Is Any Money Fungible?
by  fan4
When will AI replace every job?
by  oasis
How Are Negative Interest Rates Possible?
EMF & covid
Gov.id19 ;)
Goodbye IRL Hello Meritocracy
by  E.T.
How Can the Stock Market Go Up When So Many People Are Unemployed?
by  coldspurs
The Gig Economy Is Failing. Say Hello to the Hustle Economy
mr slowbot
Why is redlining considered immoral by most people?
Japan Breaks the Basic Laws of Economics
by  RNCIN2012
What if Taxes were started for churches at least Scientology the World has enough Bad fiction already spread too thick f…
why don't you libertarians ever go off on the medical system? it's the coziest relationship between government and indu…
mr slowbot
Entrepreneurs are redesigning the basic building block of capitalism (Economist)
by  ben
What is monetization?
Han duo
by  Han duo
Does bitcoin have real potential in Greece?
bigg topics
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